Jesse Korman

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Jesse Korman is a photographer, filmmaker, and writer. With a background of 18 years in the music industry, Jesse wanted to progress and broaden his skills into different fields of creativity. His work in photography began in 2011, he worked as an onset photographer for Yale Productions and shot movie posters with actors such as Kurt Russell, Ron Perlman, Alicia Silverstone, and Christian Slater. His work expanded into many different fields and Jesse was the political campaign photographer that helped launch Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez into congress. Jesse found working in the film industry a natural form of progression, his experience and outlook on film sets was found to be invaluable and he quickly moved from associate producing, to co-producing and is now a full producer for Yale Productions. His credits range across movies like Crypto, After Everything, Welcome the Stranger, Pretenders and more.

Jesse’s most recently produced film is Separation, a supernatural thriller that takes on the horrifying consequences of divorce. The film is directed by William Brent Bell and stars Rupert Friend, Mamie Gummer, Madeline Brewer, Violet McGraw, and Brian Cox.


Sabine Stener


Michael J. Rothstein